Sunday, September 13, 2009

You Showed Us How Precious Life Is

Dear Parishioners,

School has come at last, and with it the hustling and bustling of school and the start up of all our other varied ministries here at St. Anne’s. In addition, this past Tuesday, we said goodbye to one of our precious alumni, Amanda Reyes, whose funeral we celebrated. She is a reminder to all of us of the incredible preciousness that God brings to us and how delicate life is. I was proud to be able to participate in the Mass and thankful that Msgr. Moys was able to preside. The celebration was an amazing outpouring of love by the whole community. These are the moments that remind me of what we are all about.

We all know how precious life is, yet we get so distracted by the details of our own lives. Amanda’s death, while very tragic, has once again reminded me to pay attention to the people we love in our lives. She has reminded me that our young people are capable of so many wonderful things. Even though she had long since moved on from our school, she would frequent our halls and offer her assistance to the children, many of whom she may not have even known.

Our teens are among the most vulnerable people in our community. Adolescence is a time of questioning, discovery, trial, success, and failure. With each challenge, our young people are being shaped. What kind of teens do you want to help shape? Amanda become the young lady that she was through her faith and the example of the special people in her lives. You can honor the legacy of Amanda by recognizing the young people in your midst, offering them help, and praising them whenever possible. Your faith-filled love for them is exactly what they need. Thank you, Amanda, for the gift of yourself and the example you set for us all. Short was your time here on Earth. But great was the love you showed us all. May the Saints and Angels come to meet you in heaven. May they take you to the throne of our Lord. May you see our God face to face and know the joy of the Kingdom forever. Goodbye Amanda. You are loved!


Fr. William Holtzinger

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