Saturday, November 13, 2010

Making A Commitment to God Through the Church

Dear Parishioners,

Bazaar 2010

I want to thank Jeanette Shibler and all the people who put on last weekend's Bazaar. I am always amazed at the variety of crafts that the Bazaar Committee as well as parishioners create. I don't know any financials, but from seeing the number of people and the amount of cars in our parking lot, it was most certainly a friend raiser, something that is akin to our outreach as a parish.

Offertory Program Challenges Us To Participate In The Church

Thank you all for your generosity in time, talent, treasure, and tradition to St. Anne's. This past year we ended in the black due to two factors: budget cuts and your financial commitments. This year we aim to do finish in a stable position again due to the same two factors, but this time our budget cuts were much more significant which impacted employment and office hours. Once again, I come before you to ask you to discern how you can make a commitment for 2011. That's only two months away. Yet, we need to ask you all to consider what you can do to participate in the life of the Church.

In today's Scripture from Paul (2 Thes. 3:7-12), we are encouraged to imitate Paul who did not get a hand out but worked in "toil and drudgery" so as not to create a burden for the rest of the community. It is a serious challenge to us all to consider our general orientation towards the Church. Do I give to God's Church or am I merely a taker who keeps busy minding other's business all the while being disorderly myself (vs. 11)? Paul challenges us all to participate in the life of the Church. We have all been given talents and abilities that are to be shared in gratitude for all that God has given us.

Time, talent, treasure, and tradition are what I am asking you to think about. In the context of this process, time and talent involve giving your skills to the activities and lifestyle of the parish. I think about all those who worked for the past year to make the Bazaar happen. That took some serious time and talent! Treasure is a financial commitment that we are being asked to commit to in a weekly way as we come to Mass. Tradition is the wealth of our lived experience which we are called to pass on to those around us and, in particular, those who are younger.

This week you will receive a brochure in the mail which will give a reflection about the need to give in response to God's love for us, a detailed outline of our current budget, and a sample of the cards that will be handed out next week during the homily time. Please read through this brochure and, with your family, pray about how you are being called to respond.

May God bless you this week,

Fr. William Holtzinger


Sunday, November 7, 2010

May Their Souls Rest In Peace

Dear Parishioners,

During the Month of November, the Church asks us to remember all those who have died. It is common for parishes to pay special attention to those who have died in their own communities in the past year. As such, we offer you the list of our own parishioners who have died since last November, and ask you to consider offering your own prayers during this month. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Orlando Vigil, Richard Fuehrer, Mildred Watt, Gustave Rossknecht II, Mary Lentine, Edward Splean, Ole Blen- nov, Elnora Beaumont, Jeo Horak, Paul Bitting, Jr.. Vir- ginia Newman, Kathryn Wells, Robert Graves, Shirley Hendren, Albert Lampert, Cosmo (Corky) Ungaro, Mary Warner, Charlotta Schumacher, Leatonio Ponali, Rita Prive, Heather Horban, Verna O’Leary, Robin Hopson, Rose Marie Dister, John Rose, Lester Lanoux, John Gallo, John Winschel, Rex Linde, Franz Stossel, Higinia Logan, Hans Donath, Paul Litty, Ralph Johnson, Beverly Bish, Eleanor Rose, Margaret Willis, Idamae Sullivan, Mary Jane Armstrong, Thomas Graham, Peter Meier, Thomas Glennon, John Dark, and Michelle Linde.

Fr. William Holtzinger