Dear Parishioners,
New Interim Coordinator of Youth Ministry
As you know, we have been in the process of searching for a new Coordinator of Youth Ministry for some time. We've interviewed many potential candidates and have learned a lot along the way. As of Feb. 1st, we hired Diana Wuertz as our Interim Coordinator of Youth Ministry. She has been one our most precious volunteers in so many ways, and I want to thank her for stepping forward to keep the momentum going. She is a very warm and welcoming person. She has a heart for service and a love for our teens. She has been with our youth program for four years, and so she already knows much about the vision of comprehenisve youth ministry from the perspective of the US Bishops, the archdiocese, and our parish in particular. Diana is also very aquainted with the details that are needed in order keep our youth events well organized. She will admit to being a quiet person, but I think all would agree that her service in our St. Vincent de Paul, volunteering as substitute help in the office, being our parish web master, serving as an Eucharistic Minister, and managing the AV equipment at the Life Teen Mass make for a potent statement. She loves Jesus and wants the teens to do the same. Please continue to pray for discernment and inspriation as we continue to search for a more permanent CYM for our parish. In the meantime, please let Diana know of your appreciation. I am thrilled that she has been so open God's promptings. She is truly an inspiration to us all. You go, Diana!
Italian Dinner
Things are gearing up as we are once again getting ready to offer our 25th Italian Dinner. Some things will be same while others will be new. I am very excited about the presence of a coffee cart. Each year, I am simply amazed at the generosity drawn out from our community and beyond to make this even happen. Becky Pettit, the chairperson, has been able to really streamline things and help make the whole event a lot of fun. Of course, she couldn't do it without the help of her army of coordinators and volunteers. There are so many that naming them would be impossible. I look forward to this year's event. If you haven't thought about coming, please consider taking out some time and enjoying the fun and food. This is St. Anthony's at its best.
Volunteer Appreciation Dinner & Dance
Speaking of volunteering... Mark your calendars for March 17th. If you have been involved in any way volunteering for the parish, please know that you are invited to come for an evening of a little St. Patrick food and dance. That's right. After the Saturday evening Mass, the staff and my self would like to host you and your family in the Parish Hall. Each year it is an honor to celebrate what is the heart and soul of our parish: our volunteers! In the past years, we've sent out invitations, but inevitably forgot some folks. So, this year, we figure that our volunteers know who they are and we welcome you all. So, just come. We will have a dance with DJ's who will involve your whole family as well as traditional St. Patrick corned beef and cabbage. We ask that you also bring a food dish to share as a way to augment our culinary plans. This is both a potluck dinner and dance for the family. Wear you best green shirts, socks, and dancin' shoes. Maybe you might even kiss the blarney stone! See you there.
Liturgy Changes
Recently, the Vatican has sent word to the world's conferences of bishops that some new norms were to be observed durng the Mass. Most of the adaptations or changes have already been in place. However, a special permission (indult) was granted to the U.S. Churches to continue the practice of purifying the sacred vessels by lay Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist. That particular indult has ended and we now have been instructed by Archbishop Vlazny to make sure all the norms are followed beginning April 1st. Our Liturgy Committee has met and discussed this and have decided to begin these changes on Ash Wednesday. I will, therefore be purfying all the cups at the credence table after communion. Another liturgical item worthy of reflection is when our Eucharistic Ministers are to approach and receive the Eucharist before distribution. The previous edition of this norm did not speak of approaching the "sanctuary" as the Archbishop's letter states, but rather the "altar" prior to the Fraction Rite. This confusion in language and a prior correction by the Vicar General prompted me to make an inquiry at the Office of Liturgy as to what was intended. Is this something new or just a casul re-wording? According to Office of Liturgy, our current practice is in line with the intent of the new General Instructions to the Roman Missal (GIRM) and no change is further required in this regard. The norm is intended to distinguish and clarify the role of lay ministers and not confuse them with concelebrant priests.
For more information, see the exerpt from the letter from Archbishop Vlazny below. Click here for a complete description of liturgical norms and the adaptations made within our archdiocese.
Some Clarifications about Norms for the Distribution of Holy Communion |
At this time I find it necessary to clarify some matters concerning the norms established by the General Instruction on the Roman Missal for the distribution of Holy Communion, particularly under both kinds, here in the Archdiocese of Portland. I ask that pastors see that the norms are implemented before Holy Week this year, which begins on Sunday, April 1. 1) When Communion is distributed under both kinds, the chalice is usually administered by a deacon. When there is no deacon present another priest, a duly instituted acolyte or an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, or even a member of the faithful, who in case of necessity has been entrusted with this duty for a single occasion, may administer the cup 2) Extraordinary ministers who are participating in the Eucharist with the assembly should not approach the sanctuary until after the priest- celebrant has received Communion. They should receive from the hands of the priest celebrant or deacon the vessel containing either species of the Holy Eucharist for distribution to the people, after having received the Eucharist themselves. 3) After the distribution of Holy Communion, the blood of Christ is to be consumed immediately and completely by the priest or the one who ministers the chalice. The precious blood is not to be reserved in the tabernacle. 4) The sacred vessels are to be purified by a priest, a deacon or an instituted acolyte after Communion or after Mass, if possible, at the credence table. The chalice may be purified with water alone or with wine and water. This is to be consumed by the one who does the purification. The paten is also to be wiped clean with the purificator. 5) With respect to the rite of purification, a temporary indult was granted in 2002 which allowed Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to assist in the purification of the sacred vessels. As we now know, the Holy See has chosen not to extend that indult. Therefore the norms of the GIRM which restrict the rite of purification to priests, deacons and instituted acolytes is to be observed. But please note that the indult is not concerned about the cleansing of vessels with soap and water after Mass in the sacristy. This further cleaning of the vessels is still a very important service provided by sacristans and extraordinary ministers. | The Holy See obviously concurs that the use of extraordinary ministers is very appropriate for the distribution of Holy Communion so that the rite will not be unnecessarily prolonged and that reception of the Eucharist under both forms can be encouraged. The 2002 indult which permitted extraordinary ministers to purify vessels inaugurated a practice which became rather widespread in many dioceses. With the promulgation of the new General Instruction of the Roman Missal, the Holy See has now chosen to eliminate this practice which was always regarded as exceptional, but it became common in practice. It will require more attention to a somewhat tedious task on the part of the clergy, but the assistance of our people in that all important moment of sharing the Eucharist remains welcome and appropriate. Please know that I am grateful to all of you who lead our people in worship with reverence and deep respect for this precious liturgical treasure of our church. Our sacraments are gifts from God, entrusted to the church, to be shared with the people according to the established norms. As chief liturgist of this local church I ask you to comply with these norms and provide our people with worthy celebrations of the Eucharist. God bless. Archbishop John G. Vlazny |
Fr. William Holtzinger